Hardwood flooring in Santa Ana, CA from Avalon Wood Flooring

Do hardwood floors add value to a home?

Yes, hardwood flooring should be thought of as an investment and not just a purchase. Not only are they long-lasting, but they are versatile enough to work with any decor. So you'll always have a beautiful, timeless look, whether your species of choice is hickory, oak, cherry, or another wood, and there's only one place to go when shopping for hardwood flooring in Santa Ana, CA: Avalon Wood Flooring.

How value is added

You'll see this in two ways. First, expect your home to increase by 70%-80% of your purchase price. That means a house that was valued initially at $400K can now be increased substantially.

The second way is if you?re planning to sell. Real estate sales associates around the country tell us potential buyers will often pay more than 2.5% for a home with wood floors.

Other benefits

1. Style: There are hundreds of species from which to choose, as well as a large assortment of stains and distinctive grain patterns. Wood flooring is versatile enough to work with any decor; if you want to change the color, just sand and stain them.

2. Long-lasting. We've even heard of cases where the hardwood floors lasted 100 years and, like a fine wine, they look better with age. Remember, if they seem excessively scratched, a refinishing will bring them back to their original luster unless there's structural damage.

3. Cost-effectiveness. There are no replacement costs.

4. Better indoor air quality. Remember photosynthesis from our science classes? Trees, even when cut, convert carbon dioxide into energy. That?s better for your home and, especially for allergy and asthma sufferers.

With over 60 years of experience, Avalon Wood Flooring is a hardwood expert. Count on us whether you want a product, installation, refinishing, or repairs, or a design consultation to help you decide what's best for your Santa Ana, Irvine, Newport Beach, or Corona Del Mar home. Don't forget about our free quote!